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Venturis come in several forms: Classical, Low Loss and Universal Style. Venturis 6" pipe size and smaller may also be manufactured from barstock to create a weldless design.

This primary element produces a differential, which is proportional to the square of the flow rate through the device, utilizing static pressure sensed at the inlet tap and the throat tap.

The venturi shall be fabricated in accordance with A.S.M.E. specifications and recommendations. The inlet section shall consist of a straight pipe section of like diameter to the preceding line pipe, and an entrance cone with an A.S.M.E. specified 21 degree angle of convergence. The throat shall be a straight cylindrical section at least 0.5 times the throat diameter. The outlet section shall be an exit cone with an A.S.M.E. specified 15 degree angle of divergence.

The venturi will be furnished with two pressure sensing taps; one in the straight inlet pipe section (upstream tap) and one in the throat section (downstream tap). There shall be no annular chanbers or slots within the venturi.

The venturi body will be constructed of either rolled ASTM A 285 C carbon steel or the end-users choice, and the throat will be constructed of either T-304 stainless steel of the end-users choice.

The venturi shall have a discharge coefficient that is constant over the normal range of flow; independent of Beta Ration or line size.

The venturi shall have an uncalibrated accuracy of + or - 0.75% of actual flow for the range specified.

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Classical Venturi

The classical (ASME) venturi comes in both short form and long forms.

Flanged Connections

Butt-welded Connections

The long form has the benefit of having less permanent pressure loss while the short form uses less space in the piping system. The classical venturi creates a lower differential pressure than the low loss venturi and can be ideal for slower flows. The included angles for the inlet and outlet comes are as follows:
Upstream: 10.5 degrees
Downstream: 3.75 degrees

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Dimensional Data

Dimensional Data For Short Form Classical (ASME) Venturis
Pipe Size Beta Ratio Length/Inches Weight in LBS
Flanged Ends Weld Ends Weld Ends 150# Flanged Ends 300# Flanged Ends
3" 0.35 24 24 22 48 65
0.55 20 20 20 45 62
0.70 16 16 16 30 55
6" 0.35 34 37 55 23 133
0.55 27 30 52 20 130
0.70 22 25 50 88 128
8" 0.35 45 48 100 160 216
0.55 36 40 85 145 201
0.70 29 33 78 138 194
10" 0.35 56 60 160 246 322
0.55 45 50 135 221 297
0.70 37 42 115 201 277
12" 0.35 67 73 278 406 508
0.55 54 60 226 354 456
0.70 44 50 185 313 415
14" 0.35 74 80 346 516 674
0.55 60 66 295 465 623
0.70 49 55 250 420 528
16" 0.35 86 92 438 624 878
0.55 70 76 394 580 834
0.70 57 63 358 544 798
18" 0.35 98 106 565 805 1125
0.55 78 86 445 685 1005
0.70 64 72 390 630 905
20" 0.35 108 118 734 1044 1384
0.55 86 96 630 940 1280
0.70 72 82 536 846 1186
24" 0.35 130 142 958 1378 1938
0.55 104 116 820 1240 1800
0.70 86 98 706 1126 1686
30" 0.35 164 180 1660 O.A. O.A.
0.55 132 147 1415 O.A. O.A.
0.70 107 122 1245 O.A. O.A.
36" 0.35 197 215 2418 O.A. O.A.
0.55 158 176 2080 O.A. O.A.
0.70 130 148 1810 O.A. O.A.
42" 0.35 222 240 3318 O.A. O.A.
0.55 186 204 2820 O.A. O.A.
0.70 150 168 2341 O.A. O.A.
48" 0.35 264 288 4510 O.A. O.A.
0.55 212 236 3744 O.A. O.A.
0.70 174 198 3108 O.A. O.A.

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Flow Rate Capacities for Classical (ASME) Venturis

Flow Rate Capacities for Classical (ASME) Venturis
Pipe Size Beta Ratio Throat Bore Flow Rates in GPM of Water @ 60 deg. F
Diffential in Inches W.C.
30" 50" 100" 200" 300"
1" 0.35 0.3671" 4 5.2 7.3 10.5 12.8
0.55 0.5769" 10 13.5 19.2 27.3 33.5
0.70 0.7343" 19 24.1 34.3 48.7 60.4
2" 0.35 0.7234" 16 20.3 29.0 41.0 50.0
0.55 1.1368" 41 53.0 75.0 108.0 132.0
0.70 1.4469" 73 94.0 135.0 191.0 235.0
3" 0.35 1.0738" 35 45.0 64.0 91.0 112.0
0.55 1.6874" 91 117.0 168.0 238.0 292.0
0.70 2.1470" 163 211.0 298.0 422.0 516.0
4" 0.35 1.4091" 62 80.0 113.0 160.0 195.0
0.55 2.2140" 159 205.0 290.0 410.0 502.0
0.70 2.8180" 281 363.0 514.0 726.0 890.0
5" 0.35 1.7670" 97 125.0 177.0 250.0 307.0
0.55 2.7760" 250 322.0 456.0 645.0 789.0
0.70 3.5330" 442 571.0 807.0 1140.0 1400.0
6" 0.35 2.1230" 140 181.0 256.0 362.0 445.08
0.55 3.3360" 361 465.0 658.0 931.0 1140.0
0.70 4.2450" 640 825.0 1165.0 1650.0 2020.0
8" 0.35 2.7930" 243 315.0 445.0 625.0 770.0
0.55 4.3900" 625 805.0 1140.0 1610.0 1975.0
0.70 5.5870" 1105 1425.0 2020.0 2855.0 3500.0
10" 0.35 3.5070" 380 490.0 690.0 980.0 1200.0
0.55 5.5110" 975 1260.0 1780.0 2515.0 3080.0
0.70 7.0140" 1725 2230.0 3150.0 4455.0 5455.0
12" 0.35 4.2000" 540 700.0 995.0 1400.0 1720.0
0.55 6.6000" 1400 1800.0 2550.0 3610.0 4420.0
0.70 8.4000" 2475 3195.0 4520.0 6390.0 7825.0
14" 0.35 4.6380" 660 855.0 1210.0 1710.0 2095.0
0.55 7.2880" 1705 2200.0 3110.0 4400.0 5385.0
0.70 9.2750" 3015 3895.0 5510.0 7790.0 9540.0
16" 0.35 5.3380" 875 1135.0 1600.0 2265.0 2775.0
0.55 8.3880" 2255 2915.0 4120.0 5825.0 7135.0
0.70 10.6750" 4000 5160.0 7300.0 10320.0 12640.0
18" 0.35 6.0380" 1225 1450.0 2050.0 2900.0 3550.0
0.55 9.4880" 2890 3730.0 5270.0 7455.0 9130.0
0.70 12.0750" 5110 6600.0 9340.0 13200.0 16170.0
20" 0.35 6.7380" 1400 1800.0 2550.0 3610.0 4420.0
0.55 10.5880" 3595 4640.0 6560.0 9280.0 11370.0
0.70 13.4750" 6370 8220.0 11630.0 16440.0 20130.0
24" 0.35 8.1380" 2039 2630.0 3725.0 5270.0 6450.0
0.55 12.7880" 5240 6770.0 9575.0 13540.0 16580.0
0.70 16.2750" 9290 11990.0 16960.0 24000.0 29400.0
30" 0.35 10.2380" 3230 4170.0 5895.0 8335.0 10200.0
0.55 16.0880" 8300 10700.0 15150.0 21400.0 26250.0
0.70 20.4750" 14700 18980.0 26800.0 38000.0 46500.0
36" 0.35 12.3380" 4690 6050.0 8560.0 12100.0 14800.0
0.55 19.3880" 12050 15550.0 22000.0 31100.0 38100.0
0.70 24.6750" 21350 27570.0 39000.0 55100.0 67500.0
48" 0.35 16.5380" 8420 10800.0 15400.0 21750.0 26600.0
0.55 25.9880" 21650 28000.0 39500.0 56000.0 68500.0
0.70 33.0750" 38400 49500.0 70000.0 99000.0 121300.0

Beta Ratios are based on Standard Weight Pipe.

This capacity chart is provided as a reference tool only. Contact factory with your flow conditions for exact rate calculations.

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Low Loss Venturi

The Low Loss Venturi is designed to create a low permanent pressure loss of approximately 5%.

Flanged Connections

Butt-welded Connections

The Low Loss Venturi, however, creates a higher differential pressure which can be an issue with low pressure applications. The included angles for low loss venturis are as follows:
Upstream radius: D/4
Downstream: 10 degrees